Car Sachet Mediterranea
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Car scented sachet, bitter orange, lemon and neroli
Exclusive fabric sachets complete with a fixing system that allows them to be attached to the car's air vents by means of an adjustable support. A perfect diffusion of the most emblematic fragrances of CULTI MILANO. Mediterranea: The Apulian countryside in all of its fertile abundance, with pomegranate trees and prickly pears laden with fruits peeking above the drystone walls. Wandering into the Mediterranean scrub overlooking the sea; picking fruit, getting your hands dirty, tasting its woody essence.
創辦人 Alessandro 擅長創造各種驚豔的空間香氛,將家具設計與氣味的感官予以連結,
創辦人 Alessandro 以過往在時尚、設計和香氛領域的經驗,將空間留給了香氣、木頭、面料甚至是藝術。瓶身主要有兩款造型:經典牛奶瓶/裝飾方瓶
CULTI MILANO 是首位將有著天然微孔的蘆葦桿使用於擴香的品牌。將家具上藤枝的呼吸作用巧妙移植進香氛產品,令具備天然微孔的蘆葦枝成為豐富香氣分子的載體,與瓶身和楓木瓶蓋共構簡潔高雅的形象。